نحن نؤمن بتطوير الإنسان

من نحن؟
في شركة الخطوة العلمية، نسعى جاهدين لنكون الداعمين الرئيسيين لتطوير الكوادر التعليمية والطلبة في مختلف المراحل وتأسست شركتنا على رؤية واضحة تهدف إلى تعزيز المهارات وبناء القدرات لتحقيق التميز المهني في شتى المجالات

نعمل على تمكين الأفراد من تحقيق طموحاتهم الأكاديمية والمهنية من خلال توفير برامج تعليمية مبتكرة، وبيئة تعلم ملهمة، وأدوات متطورة تواكب أحدث المستجدات في عالم المعرفة

أن نصبح روادًا في مجال التعليم والتطوير المهني، وأن نكون الخيار الأول لكل من يسعى للنمو والتفوق


الجودة: نلتزم بتقديم أفضل الحلول التعليمية

الابتكار: نؤمن بأهمية التفكير الإبداعي وتطوير الأدوات التي تلبي احتياجات المستقبل

التميز: نهدف دائمًا إلى تحقيق أعلى معايير الأداء

ما الذي يميزنا؟
نقدم خدمات تعليمية وتدريبية متكاملة تهدف إلى تطوير المعارف والمهارات، مع التركيز على تحقيق التميز الفردي والجماعي وفريقنا من الخبراء يعمل بشغف لضمان تقديم تجربة تعليمية تلبي تطلعات عملائنا

A group of children is gathered in a classroom setting, with one child in focus smiling broadly and holding a wooden object. The children are wearing uniforms and colorful headbands. A wooden table is visible in the background, along with some classroom furniture.
A group of children is gathered in a classroom setting, with one child in focus smiling broadly and holding a wooden object. The children are wearing uniforms and colorful headbands. A wooden table is visible in the background, along with some classroom furniture.



قصص نجاح

تميز مهني

مشاريع تدريبية

تعزيز المهارات وتطوير الكوادر للتميّز المهني.

A classroom setting with children sitting at desks and an adult woman standing and interacting with them. The classroom has posters and decorations on the walls, including an alphabet and numbers chart, and a chalkboard with instructions. The woman is holding some items in her hands and seems to be engaging with the children, who are looking at her attentively.
A classroom setting with children sitting at desks and an adult woman standing and interacting with them. The classroom has posters and decorations on the walls, including an alphabet and numbers chart, and a chalkboard with instructions. The woman is holding some items in her hands and seems to be engaging with the children, who are looking at her attentively.
تطوير الفئات المستهدفة

برامج تدريبية متميزة تبني قدراتهم المهنية.

A person wearing a graduation gown and cap stands confidently in front of a building labeled 'Science & Engineering'. The architecture features brickwork and large windows, with a well-maintained pathway and small shrubs leading to the entrance.
A person wearing a graduation gown and cap stands confidently in front of a building labeled 'Science & Engineering'. The architecture features brickwork and large windows, with a well-maintained pathway and small shrubs leading to the entrance.
A group of adults and children are standing in front of a colorful two-story school building with balconies and flags. The adults are dressed in formal and traditional attire, and the children are wearing school uniforms.
A group of adults and children are standing in front of a colorful two-story school building with balconies and flags. The adults are dressed in formal and traditional attire, and the children are wearing school uniforms.
A young person stands on a stage holding a microphone. The backdrop features banners with text about character training, and a diagram with various values highlighted. The stage is covered with a patterned red carpet, and there's an Indonesian flag to one side.
A young person stands on a stage holding a microphone. The backdrop features banners with text about character training, and a diagram with various values highlighted. The stage is covered with a patterned red carpet, and there's an Indonesian flag to one side.
بناء الإنسان

التركيز على التفوق والإبداع في التعليم.

لقد ساعدتني شركة الخطوة العلمية في تطوير مهاراتي بشكل احترافي، مما أتاح لي فرص عمل أفضل. تجربة رائعة أنصح الجميع بها.

علي حسين

A young child wearing a white T-shirt with the word 'Harvard' printed on it is seated at a table with a laptop in front of them. The child is looking at the laptop screen and raising one finger, appearing focused and engaged. Nearby, there is a paperback book lying on the table.
A young child wearing a white T-shirt with the word 'Harvard' printed on it is seated at a table with a laptop in front of them. The child is looking at the laptop screen and raising one finger, appearing focused and engaged. Nearby, there is a paperback book lying on the table.
